Greenfield Foundation

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The Greenfield Foundation, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, funds charitable initiatives devoted to improving quality of life. It was started in 2003 as the Goldsmith-Greenfield foundation by Robert K. Greenfield and Louise Greenfield. The foundation originates and participates in innovative projects which have a ripple effect beyond the immediate impact of the expenditures.


Temple Emergency Action Corps (TEAC)

Temple Emergency Acton Corps (TEAC), in affiliation with Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, was founded by a group of medical students in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. TEAC’s mission is twofold: to educate future physicians in medical disaster relief and utilize medical students as a resource for the provision of sub-acute disaster relief care. TEAC is dedicated to providing compassionate, culturally conscious medical care in cases of local, national, and international disasters.


One Day at a Time (ODAAT)